
羽田空港/成田空港⇄神奈川エリア(横浜、横須賀、三浦、川崎の一部等)の送迎タクシーをインターネット予約 横浜市保土ヶ谷区旭区青葉区⇄羽田空港10600円〜 川崎市麻生区⇄羽田空港12900円〜 横浜市⇄成田空港33500円〜(+高速料金)
横浜/横須賀から羽田空港/成田空港へ格安、割安な定額タクシーでスムーズに移動 チャーターも応相談

Yokosuka⇔Haneda airport( fixed fare + Expressway toll)

Haneda Airport ⇄ Yokosuka/Miura Fixed-rate taxi fare including highway tolls (reference)

Haneda Airport fixed fare + Expressway toll Yokosuka/Miura

Fixed-price taxi Haneda Airport Terminal 3 Kanagawa platform closedFare table

Travel smoothly between Haneda Airport and Yokosuka City/Miura City with a cheap, all-inclusive fixed-rate taxi service. Basically, no extra charges.

 The fare including highway tolls is ⬇️⬇️⬇️

[Oppama/Taura area] 16,960 yen (19,660 yen)


[Honmachi, Hemmi, Kinugasa area]   20,800 yen (24,300 yen)


 [West Area] 22,280 yen (26,080 yen)

[Otsu, Uraga, Kurihama, Kitashimoura area] 23,400 yen (27,300 yen)

[Miura City] 25,490 yen (29,790 yen)


* Expressway tolls may be cheaper depending on the interchange used and the time, so they may be cheaper than the all-inclusive fare listed above.

Certain conditions apply to the application of the fixed fare.


*The times in parentheses are for use between 22:00 and 5:00.

Please check the area on the map below. Tap the map to see a larger version.




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